The Central Government has taken many important steps to make public transportation system sustainable and environment friendly.
National Urban Transport Policy 2006 seeks to promote greater use of public transport through various measures.
To encourage public transport, the Central Government has taken up various projects such as financing of buses and Bus Rapid Transit Systems (BRTS) under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission, preparation of Urban Bus Specifications to promote use of comfortable buses equipped with latest Intelligent Transport System (ITS) and technology.
Encouraging reforms in urban transport administration and management at both city and state level by requiring setting up of Urban Metropolitan Transport Authority (UMTA), Urban Transport Fund etc.,
Organizing annual conference and exhibition on urban transport for knowledge sharing amongst experts and stakeholders, and recognizing the exemplary achievements in the field of urban transport through awards.
The Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) has also provided financial assistance for various traffic/transportation studies and surveys under the Urban Transport Planning Scheme to encourage cities to better plan and manage their urban transport systems.
MoUD has also initiated Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP) with the support of Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the World Bank.
The main objectives of SUTP are
(i) to strengthen and build capacity of Govt. of India and participating states and cities in planning, financing, implementing, operating and managing, environment friendly Low carbon Transport system; and
(ii) to assist states and cities in preparing and implementing certain demonstration environment-friendly “Green Transport” projects towards reduction of greenhouse gases in the urban environment for achieving paradigm shift from use of personal vehicles to public transport for reducing traffic congestion.
This information was given by Smt. Deepa Dasmunshi, Minister of State for Urban Development in a written reply to the Lok Sabha.
National Urban Transport Policy 2006 seeks to promote greater use of public transport through various measures.
To encourage public transport, the Central Government has taken up various projects such as financing of buses and Bus Rapid Transit Systems (BRTS) under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission, preparation of Urban Bus Specifications to promote use of comfortable buses equipped with latest Intelligent Transport System (ITS) and technology.
Encouraging reforms in urban transport administration and management at both city and state level by requiring setting up of Urban Metropolitan Transport Authority (UMTA), Urban Transport Fund etc.,
Organizing annual conference and exhibition on urban transport for knowledge sharing amongst experts and stakeholders, and recognizing the exemplary achievements in the field of urban transport through awards.
The Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) has also provided financial assistance for various traffic/transportation studies and surveys under the Urban Transport Planning Scheme to encourage cities to better plan and manage their urban transport systems.
MoUD has also initiated Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP) with the support of Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the World Bank.
The main objectives of SUTP are
(i) to strengthen and build capacity of Govt. of India and participating states and cities in planning, financing, implementing, operating and managing, environment friendly Low carbon Transport system; and
(ii) to assist states and cities in preparing and implementing certain demonstration environment-friendly “Green Transport” projects towards reduction of greenhouse gases in the urban environment for achieving paradigm shift from use of personal vehicles to public transport for reducing traffic congestion.
This information was given by Smt. Deepa Dasmunshi, Minister of State for Urban Development in a written reply to the Lok Sabha.