New Delhi:(Page3 News Network)-The criterion for granting financial assistance to poor patients under Health Minister’s Discretionary Grant (HMDG) and Rashtriya ArogyaNidhi (RAN) i.e. National Illness Assistance Fund (NIAF) are as under:
(i) Poor patients with family income less than Rs.75,000/- annually and suffering from major illness and requiring one-time treatment in Government hospitals/institutions are eligible for financial assistance under HMDG. Financial assistance limits are - (a) Rs.20,000/- if the estimated cost of treatment is up to Rs. 50,000/- ; (b) Rs. 40,000/- if the estimated cost of treatment is above Rs. 50,000/- & up to Rs. 1,00,000/-; and (c) Rs.50,000/- if the estimated cost of treatment is above Rs.1,00,000/-.
(ii) Under Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi (RAN) financial assistance is provided to the patients living Below Poverty Line (BPL), who are suffering from major life threatening disease to receive medical treatment in Government hospitals. The financial assistance to such patients is released in the form of ‘one time grant’ to the Medical Superintendent of the hospital in which the treatment is being received. The applicant has to submit an application in the prescribed proforma duly filled in by the treating Doctor/HOD and countersigned by the Medical Superintendent of the Hospital (Government Hospital) where the patient is receiving the treatment, alongwith income certificate in original from the BDO/Tehsildar/Collector /SDM. The details of family members in case of BPL applicants i.e. attested copy of ration card.
(iii) Under the RAN, the norms for Health Minister’s Cancer Patient Fund (HMCPF),are as under:
(a) Financial assistance is provided to patients, below poverty line, suffering from cancer and undergoing treatment in Government hospitals and any of the 27 Regional Cancer Centres.
(b) The financial assistance to the Cancer Patient up to Rs.1.00 lakh is provided by the concerned Institutes /Hospitals through the revolving fund placed at their disposal. The cases of financial assistance above this limit are to be referred by the Hospitals for assistance from Central Funds.
(iv) The Directorate General of Health Services (Dte.GHS) technically appraises the proposal and thereafter, the approval of the Competent Authority is obtained for granting financial assistance to the eligible patient. A cheque of the admissible amount is issued to the hospital, who is required to submit utilization certificate to the Ministry.
(d ) List of eligible applicants, who have been benefitted under HMDG and RAN/HMCPF during the last three years and current year, State/UT-wise and Regional Cancer Centres is at Annexure-I to III respectively